Journeying Down Life's Never-ending Road

Sarcasm, irony, thoughts, complaints, ideas, philosophies, happenings, creations, rants and raves with a very little chance of anything being new, unique, or interesting.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sermon on the Mount Slides

I have started making a series of scripture slides based on the Sermon on the Mount. Here are the Beatitudes for your enjoyment.

Updated: PowerPoint Presentation of Beattitude Slides

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  • At 8:59 AM, Blogger Kevin J. Bowman said…

    Why not post the actual PPT file so someone can download and use them?

  • At 9:39 AM, Blogger Randy said…

    First, these are created using Photoshop because Powerpoint does not allow me the kind of control I like for effects. The other problem with PowerPoint is font management. If I use a font on a slide, you have to have that same font installed on your machine. However, if I use a font in Photoshop and save the work as a picture, you don't need the font.

    Secondly, not everyone has/uses PowerPoint. These are jpg that are sized to be used as backgrounds for a PowerPoint. I figure anyone who needs them knows how to add a background to their PowerPoint Presentation. They are also sized correctly for displaying on screen using other worship software, such as MediaShout or EasyWorship.

    Third, it allows a person to create a custom PowerPoint with the slides they want. By just making the pictures, I am building modular pieces that can be arranged and rearranged as needs fit your use.

    Fourth, I don't put the scripture backgrounds in a PowerPoint presentation by themselves. They are scattered throughout my Announcement presentation. So, I would actually have to create two presentations, one with the announcments to run at church and one of just the scriptures to post online.

    Finally, distributing scripture slides as pictures is how the everybody else does it.

    BUT...if you can't get them into PowerPoint, I'll do it for you :).


  • At 8:24 AM, Blogger Kevin J. Bowman said…

    Sorry, I've been out of town!

    I think your justification would be fair if you bundled them as a zip file. However, by your own admission they are a "set" that belong together. Why should you need to download each piece of a "set" individually?

    Personally, I would only use a PPT file to load up in Easy Worship and run from there. But that would be much faster than downloading each file individually.

    SOOOOOO.... A PPT or a ZIP for convenience!

  • At 2:50 PM, Anonymous Michael Beale said…

    Hey Randy,
    Thanks for these pictures they are awesome. I am beginning a series on the Beattitudes tomorrow and was looking for some good visuals to make things pop!
    I was thrilled to see that you live in Millbrook - so do I. Maybe we can get together sometime and talk graphics. God Bless, Rev. Beale

  • At 7:16 PM, Blogger Gretchen said…

    I was searching for visuals about the Beatitudes and came across your site. I love it! :) I am beginning a service directed toward young adults in our church (St John's UMC in Kingman, AZ) and am doing a service based upon the Beatitudes this week and your slides fit perfectly! :) Thank you so much!!!


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