Journeying Down Life's Never-ending Road

Sarcasm, irony, thoughts, complaints, ideas, philosophies, happenings, creations, rants and raves with a very little chance of anything being new, unique, or interesting.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Sermon on the Mount Scripture Slides

I have been working on making scripture slides that come from the Sermon on the Mount. I've already done the beatitudes. Here is the next set.

Matthew 5:13, salt of the earth
You're going to notice an unintentional theme this week with one word being bigger and a different font than the rest.

See what I mean? I guess I am got caught in an uncreative cyclone.

Fear not, the one word bigger theme will return shortly.

See, I told you. I really like this one. Making the "burning" look on Angry was really easy. I love the ability to Google different Photoshop techniques and find answers.

I really struggled with how to best present this one. I would've liked to a black background with a hint of a womans' body coming down the side. But I figured that might be going to far. Then I stumbled across the lipstick and knew I had a winner. I was still a little worried about displaying this one because our western church culture does not like to talk about lust. I did receive one question about this slide from the worship leader. If somebody else asks or I get asked to speak with the Shepherds, I have my three justifications.
  1. I am doing a series of slides based on the Sermon of the Mount
  2. This scripture comes directly from Jesus' mouth and if somebody has an issue with me displaying something Jesus said, maybe the problem is them...not me. If you don't like the message, don't blame the messenger.
  3. Of all the scriptures that I have displayed, this one is probably the most relevant. I would wager that 10 out of 10 men in our congregation need to be reminded of this scripture. If somebody is offended by the message, perhaps it is because he was pricked by it.
Finally, one of the reasons I really enjoy creating these slides is that it gives me an opportunity to evoke an emotion. Our Western culture is so focused on knowledge of the scriptures, that they sometimes forget the feelings that ooze out of scripture. Scripture is meant to evoke an emotional response that prompts action. Eastern cultures speak in word pictures for a reason. Communication is emotion. Rarely do people remember exactly what a speaker said, but they will remember how they felt. By marrying a picture and a scripture together I seek to create an emotional response...I seek to explain the scripture in a way that can be remembered.

Per request, the Scripture Slides are also saved as MS PowerPoint Presentation for you. The presentation automatically progresses every 7 seconds and loops until "Esc" is pushed. I've gone back to all the past Scripture Slide posts and placed a link to download the MS PowerPoint Presentation for those as well.

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  • At 11:34 PM, Blogger Ben said…

    Hey Randy, I was looking at some images to jumpstart me on a couple powerpoint slides for a sermon on being the salt of the earth/light of the world and I came across your site via google.

    Great work on these. Any chance you'd be willing to allow the use of the salt and light slides for another church to point to God's glory? Let me know as soon as you can. Thanks!
    Ben (

  • At 7:30 AM, Blogger Randy said…


    Please use any thing you would like. That is the reason they are posted.




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